Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My favourite proverbs

An ant may well destroy a whole dam.

Crows everywhere are equally black.

Dismantle the bridge shortly after crossing it.

Distant water won't help to put out a fire close at hand.

Like ants eating a bone.

Looking for the ass on its very back.

Regular feet can't be affected by irregular shoes.

Your fingers can't be of the same length.

A fool judges people by the presents they give him.

Be the first to the field and the last to the couch.

Do not remove a fly from your friend's forehead with a hatchet.

If you don't want anyone to know, don't do it.

Keep your broken arm inside your sleeve.

To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.

Three feet of ice not result from one day of freezing weather.

Not only can water float a boat, it can sink it also.

Adding legs when painting a snake.

The absence of proof is not the proof of absence.

Misery loves company.

In Rome do as the Romans do.

There is a black sheep in every fold.

Behind an able man there are always other able men.

Experience is a comb which nature gives to men when they are bald.

If you must play, decide on three things at the start: the rules of he game, the stakes, and the quitting time.

If you suspect a man, don't employ him, and if ypu employ him, don't suspect him.

You think you lost your horse? Who knows, he may bring a whole herd back to you someday.

You won't help the new plants grow by pulling them up higher.

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence


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